The mission of the FTH is based on its contribution to the clinical development of new medicines, thus contributing to the improvement of the health and quality of life of the citizenship. Additionally, we are committed to contributing to the rigorous training of young researchers, in order to facilitate their employment in the different professional frameworks of medicine discovery and development. And as a corollary of these two activities, the FTH supports numerous scientific, humanistic, educational and cultural actions.


During its 25 years of life, the FTH has been involved in the design, coordination, data analysis and final reports of more than 200 clinical trials (CEEC), phases I to IV. This has been possible due to the close ties that the FTH has been creating with the UAM, its Faculty and its associated University Hospitals such as La Paz, La Princesa, Puerta de Hierro and Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Spain). This relevant network of clinical researchers from different specialties has progressively spread to other University Hospitals throughout the Iberian Peninsula. In this way, the FTH has established a growing network of clinical researchers who carry out their professional work in high-quality university hospitals; equipped with the most advanced technologies for patient care, research and training of resident doctors.


As a primary objective, the FTH began its activities for the multidisciplinary training of young researchers in the different phases of medicine discovery and development. Thus, currently 2 outstanding master's degrees are being developed in Monitoring and Coordination of Clinical Trials and in Research and Marketing of Medicines, titles of the UAM itself. The FTH organizes and manages these master's degrees in collaboration with various pharmaceutical companies, drug regulatory agencies, hospitals and CROs (Contract Research Organization). The FTH also organizes CTA (Clinical Trial Assistant) and Pharmacovigilance courses. Our clinical research network has trained almost 1000 graduates and doctors who, practically in their entirety, currently work in pharmaceutical companies, hospital units for clinical trials and CROs, in Spain and globally.

As the FTH is a non-profit foundation, we have an ethical commitment to return a significant part of our income to society. This translates into the granting of scholarships and contracts to do the doctoral thesis of young researchers, prizes for the best pharmacology works developed by UAM medical students, scholarships to attend the international summer courses organized by the FTH in the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Santander, creation and support of the Teófilo Hernando Forum of Young Researchers; in collaboration with the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain (RANME), creation and support of the Spanish Neurotransmission and Neuroprotection Group (GENN) for its annual meetings, creation and support of the annual meetings of the Pharmacologists of Madrid (FARMADRID), creation and support of the annual meetings of Clinical Trials, creation and support of the magazine "News in Pharmacology and Therapeutics", the spokesman magazine of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology and a other activities.


Due to the humanist profile of the FTH, we promote the humanistic education of medical students, organize and sponsor poetry contests, edit cultural books and carry out other activities such as participation in science weeks, scientific dissemination workshops for students from different levels, as well as in primary care centers. Currently, the FTH is building a ‘Museum of the History of Medicines and Pharmacology’ at RANME.